RemoveDrive V1.9.4 - prepares removable drives for safe removal Freeware by Uwe Sieber - Win32 version works on Windows 2000, XP and higher including x64 version of Windows. x64 version works on x64 versions Windows only. Usage: RemoveDrive DriveSpec: [-l][-h][-w:nnnn] DriveSpec: is the drive to remove, e.g. U: or \ for the current drive [-L] loop until success [-h] show open handles (admin rights required, exprimental) [-w:nnnn] wait nnnn milliseconds before close [-s] self delete removedrive.exe [-b] let Windows show the "Safe To Remove Hardware" balloon tip [-i] stop Windows indexing service (CiSvc) for a moment if required (admins) [-d] show debug information or RemoveDrive "DeviceName" [-L] DeviceName is the name of the device e.g. "Corsair Flash Voyager USB Device" or short "Corsair Flash Voyager" as shown in the 'safe removal' dialog. Since V1.8 you can use wildcards in the DeviceName. Only one drive is prepared for safe removal. No admin rights required :-) Sample: removedrive U: -L -H -W:1000 Returns Errorlevels: 0 - successfully removed a device 1 - device identified but not removed 2 - device not found or parameters are invalid 4 - RemoveDrive.exe located on the drive to remove -> temporary copy created and executed If the removal fails then someone still accesses the drive. This can be something banal like an open Word document, a mounted TrueCrypt container or some kind of monitoring tool like a virus scanner. By means of SysInternals ProcessExplorer you may discover which program holds an open handle to the drive. After starting it go to 'Find' -> 'Find Handle or DLL', enter a part of the volume's or the drive's DOS device name (as volume12 or disk5) and search. Searching for the drive's drive letter may give a hit too. Licence RemoveDrive is Freeware. Allowed: - usage in any environment, including commercial - include in software products, including commercial - include on CD/DVD of computer magazines Not allowed: - changing any of the files