***************************************************************** *** Coder AkelPad plugin v6.8 *** ***************************************************************** 2011 Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor (Shengalts@mail.ru) *** Description *** Additional features for programming. *** Functions *** Coder::HighLight Syntax highlighting. Coder::CodeFold Code folding support. Coder::AutoComplete Auto-completion is a time-saving feature. Function changes a short abbreviation into a text block. For example, if you type "for", while editing C++ file and press hotkey (Ctrl+Space by default), "for" will expand to the following string: for (; ; ) { } Coder::Settings Settings dialog. *** Settings *** Complete with list: One variant - replaces abbreviation with a text block. More than one variant - shows the list of abbreviations for replacement. Complete without list / Go to next position: One variant or exact matching - replaces abbreviation with a text block. More than one variant - pass hotkey for the further processing by the program. After replacement - go to the following position of the text block. Go to previous position: Go to the previous position of the text block. *** External call Coder::HighLight *** Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBB", CASE, FONTSTYLE, ID) Parameters: 2 Mark selected text. "#RRGGBB" Text color, ignored if "0". "#RRGGBB" Background color, ignored if "0". CASE (one of the following): 0 case insensitive. 1 case sensitive (default). FONTSTYLE (one of the following): 0 ignored (default). 1 normal. 2 bold. 3 italic. 4 bold italic. ID Mark ID (default is 1). Example: Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, "#000000", "#9BFF9B", 1, 0, 1) Call("Coder::HighLight", 3, ID) Parameters: 3 Unmark text. ID Mark ID (default is 0). If zero, remove all marks. *** External call Coder::CodeFold *** Call("Coder::CodeFold", 1) Parameters: 1 Show/Hide list. *** External call Coder::Settings *** Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "EXTENSION") Parameters: 1 Set syntax theme manually. "EXTENSION" Extension, for example: "html". Manual theme setting will be canceled if the extension parameter is ommited. If extension parameter equal to "?", then the document is defined as having no theme. Call("Coder::Settings", 2) Parameters: 2 Update cache. Call("Coder::Settings", 3, PAGE) Parameters: 3 Open settings dialog at specified page. PAGE Zero based page index. Call("Coder::Settings", 4, FLAGS, FILE) Parameters: 4 Export text to RTF. FLAGS (sum of the following): 1 Export to file. 16 Copy to clipboard. 32 Fill plain-text format of clipboard with text. Must be combined with 16. 64 Fill plain-text format of clipboard with formated data. Must be combined with 16. 256 Export text selection color. 512 Export active line text color. 1024 Export active line background color. 2048 Don't export basic text color. 4096 Don't export basic background color. 65536 Export only selection. By default exported selection or all document if selection is empty. 131072 Force export all document. By default exported selection or all document if selection is empty. Default: 16+32=48. FILE File for export. Used, if flag 1 set. By default, open select file dialog. Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "COLORTHEME") Parameters: 5 Set color theme. "COLORTHEME" Color theme name, for example: "Bespin". *** Menu for ContextMenu plugin *** "Mark" Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 0) { "Cyan" Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, 0, "#9BFFFF", 1, 0, 11) Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 6) "Orange" Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, 0, "#FFCD9B", 1, 0, 12) Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 7) "Yellow" Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, 0, "#FFFF9B", 1, 0, 13) Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 8) "Violet" Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, 0, "#BE7DFF", 1, 0, 14) Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 9) "Green" Call("Coder::HighLight", 2, 0, "#88E188", 1, 0, 15) Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 10) SEPARATOR -"Remove all marks" Call("Coder::HighLight", 3, 0) Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 11) } "Syntax theme" Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 4) { "Assembler" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "asm") "AutoIt" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "au3") "Bat" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "bat") "C++" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "cpp") "Sharp" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "cs") "CSS" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "css") "HTML" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "html") "Ini" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "ini") "Inno" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "iss") "JScript" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "js") "Lua" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "lua") "NSIS" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "nsi") "Pascal" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "dpr") "Perl" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "pl") "PHP" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "php") "Python" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "py") "Resource" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "rc") "SQL" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "sql") "VBScript" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "vbs") "XML" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "xml") SEPARATOR "None" Call("Coder::Settings", 1, "?") } "Color theme" Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\Coder.dll", 5) { "Default" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Default") SEPARATOR "Active4D" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Active4D") "Bespin" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Bespin") "Cobalt" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Cobalt") "Dawn" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Dawn") "Earth" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Earth") "iPlastic" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "iPlastic") "Lazy" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Lazy") "Mac Classic" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Mac Classic") "Monokai" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Monokai") "Solarized Light" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Solarized Light") "Solarized Dark" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Solarized Dark") "SpaceCadet" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "SpaceCadet") "Sunburst" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Sunburst") "Twilight" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Twilight") "Zenburn" Call("Coder::Settings", 5, "Zenburn") SEPARATOR "Settings..." Call("Coder::Settings") }